Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Thanks for reading my blog. I've moved hosts so from now on you can find me here.

Monday, February 26, 2007


Amazingly, whilst writing my last post, a little visitor arrived in the mail from my sister...
I'm not sure yet whether he is flying the balloon, or the balloon is flying him...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Back to life…

Cheryl has written a post that has really identified a question in me:
What are the things that bring us back to life… ?

Had I the faith or the language or the assurance, I would like to say God brings us back to life... but then I thought a second time about that and realised I don't like that answer. I don't like it because it dismisses any real questioning and/or discussion. It dismisses the problem that there are some for whom God does not 'resurrect' their life. It even dismisses the fear that maybe that's not the case and the question of 'who is God anyway'?

In the darkest days, the only answers I can rest in is Hope. And Truth.
And Justice - though I have not yet reached a conclusion that this exists in it's truest form. (If I said - and most of all, love, I could be on Moulin Rouge :)).

What brings me back to life is recovering hope. And there is nothing sadder than sitting with a person who can't find hope and nothing worse than being that person. I guess in the end, hope, truth and justice - and love - is God.

In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.
Albert Camus

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Meaningful moments...

Monday, February 19, 2007


Saturday, February 17, 2007


A friend sent me this link about blogging which is hilarious.
I'd love to be illegal and put the comic on here itself but I better not :).
So go check this out... here. We're all this 'sad' at heart.

Monday, February 12, 2007

What's for dinner?

I've had some interesting conversations with people lately on the theme: If you could have four people to dinner (past or present people) who would they be? And why?

It's a tough one! It's been so interesting getting to know people in this way that I think I'm going to have to start a blog tagging exercise and see how it goes :). Apologies to those of you who don't want to know about it!

I'm going to start. But I am reserving the right to change my mind because it really is a tough decision. At the wedding on the weekend I decided I almost need a "serious" dinner and a "fun" dinner so that I could cover all bases. But basically, what I worked out is that I'm pretty much interested in people, justice and spirituality. So my choices go a small way in reflecting that...

1. Tenzin Palmo. A Buddhist nun who live in a cave for 10 years and seems to posses more calmness and wisdom and spirit than anyone I've come accross. I have a lot to learn from her.

2. I cringe as I say it, but George W. Bush. Reason being: I have a lot that I'd like him to answer for and though I expect to be snowballed, I really want the experience of finding out what really is behind his bullshit. (I mean that in the most non aggressive way possible :))
(Maybe I could take him Mick and Clare's "Bring David Hicks home" sign :0)

3. Bono. Yes I'm aware of Bono fatigue, but I can't help but think, here's a man with a perspective that I truly love. Let's hope he lives up to that impression, and hey, it'd be interesting to watch he and George if nothing else. I suspect he could relate to everyone on some level. He's lived.

4. Dave. Truly, I'm not trying to be corny. But part of the beauty about marrying Dave is that he is different to me. He adds to conversations differently, he thinks differently and he asks different questions...and I'm interested in his thoughts. And ultimately...I will need him to debrief with!

So that's my start. Honorary mention to Gregory David Roberts who I'd like to meet one day. But not necessarily at this dinner table. Jesus could be an option but I think he'd be annoying really...not answering questions directly and all.

So. Cheryl, Dave, Jono and Mel...how about you?
(By the way, Dave, I don't need to be at your dinner table :) )


We had the pleasure of being in Narooma on the weekend for a wedding that Dave did. Congratulations Greg & Emma!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Truth and life

"It is a question of understanding my destiny,
of seeing what the Deity really wants me to do.
It is a question of finding a truth that is truth for me,
of finding the idea for which I am willing to live and die."


I like the thought there: what is a truth that is a truth for me?
What is something, not necessarily for which I might die,
but for which I am willing to live?


That is God's call to us:

simply to be people who are content to live close to Her (or Him)
and to renew the kind of life
in which the closeness is felt
and experienced.

Thomas Merton

Monday, February 05, 2007


I heard an fascinating rumour from the UC grapevine (so trusty) today...
the rumour being that I have had a major breakdown and ended up leaving the ministry.

Cool huh. It's been traced back 3 people, but beyond that who knows :). Thanks to Jules for ringing me up to see if I'm ok and what the heck happened - for all you out there wondering,

"I'm good, thanks". :)

My most major concern at the moment is that a case of wine we ordered has arrived but we can't drink any of it because our naturopath has us on a DETOX. Doh!

Bless you, you concerned people sharing rumours....

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Kangaroo whisperer

I woke up with more of a PMA (positive mental attitude) today, and thought I'd share a story with you.

On the weekend I was in South Australia at the farm belonging to my folks, and caught a kangaroo! A little joey had escaped and had been quite flighty before that. Anyway, I approached him quietly and thought he looked interested, so I got a bit closer and he took two jumps and dived into my lap and curled up! Unbelievable!

I wrapped him up and sat on the couch to watch a movie, and he spent the whole time sucking on my t-shirt! (I do have a photo of that but I was in my PJs so you're not going to see it)...

I remember years ago, a speaker at NCYC talking about God "making a pass" at people. Those moments where simple things of creation just seem like God reminding us about the awe of this world and God's kingdom in it.
What a moment.