Thursday, February 23, 2006


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Thursday, February 02, 2006

"Jeepers" time flies. I can't believe how I come on here and write about 'stillness' etc - it must make me seem so calm - but in reality, life is totally nuts, I am perpetually over-busy, and somehow the weeks are whizzing by.
Makes you wonder what the point of it all is doesn't it.

Anyway I don't know if you know of the Brick Testament - it's the Bible in leggo - what a great website. We've used it quite a bit, but then our church isn't precious. They are solid and courageous. I just read on the website about the bloke who puts the leggo things together. He's called the "Reverend ...." somebody and then following that: "Morally perfect since 1987". Woah.

I hope he's joking! :) Who says stuff like that?!